Tuesday 12 June 2012

Dragon Boat Festival-Tim Hortons-Festivals-Oph

Smoke-Free Champions Honoured

Yesterday was World No Tobacco Day and Ottawa Public Health (OPH) celebrated by recognizing Ottawa’s smoke-free champions.Yesterday, May 31st at 6:00pm, John Brooman, Executive Director, The Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival was honored with a Smoke-Free Champion Festivals Certificate presented by Councillor Maria McRae, member of the Ottawa Board of Health and Dr. Rosamund Lewis, OPH’s Associate Medical Officer of Health.  The Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival was the first festival to become smoke-free voluntarily 4 years ago.  The leadership of their Board of Directors and Executive Director, John Brooman has created an event for both athletes and spectators to enjoy.  OPH urges other festivals that are not located on municipal properties to consider making their events smoke-free.Congratulations John!To learn more about Ottawa’s new smoke-free regulations, or if you need help quitting smoking, please visit ottawa.ca/smokefree or call 3-1-1. read more..


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