Sunday 10 June 2012

Public Health Inspectors-Infection Prevention-Bacterial Infections-Personal Services

Infection Prevention and Control in Personal Services Settings

Do you know that Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) inspect more than just your local restaurants and beaches? Yesterday, Ottawa Public Health (OPH) staff learned about infection prevention and control in Personal Services Settings (PSS), and it left some of us squirming in our seats. PHI Christian Lapensée presented at the Grand Rounds staff development session, discussing the various health and infection risks associated with PSS. These settings include:High risk services that involve breaking the skin (invasive by nature):

  • body piercing
  • tattooing
  • micropigmentation
  • ear lobe piercing
  • electrolysis
  • acupuncture
  • medical spas
  • body modification
Medium risk services involving objects likely to break skin or contact mucous membranes:
  • barber (shaving)
  • pedicure
  • manicure
  •  various aesthetic services (including facials and waxing)
  • cosmetics
Low risk services involving objects that may break skin (invasive by accident):
  • haircutting
  • tanning
  • massage
The health risks associated with these PSS include viruses, bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, and rising rates of mycobacteria infections. Many of these health risks would be due to lack of adherence to proper cleaning & disinfection procedures as outlined by provincial guidelines and enforced by City of Ottawa PHIs.Lapensée’s take home message was one of client caution and awareness when engaging with PSS. He cautions us as consumers to be aware of the risks and look for signs of lapses in infection control, being alert to the potential health risks of these settings. Some things to look for include:
  • reuse of disposable items
  • use of banned items
  • improper cleaning & disinfection procedures
  • cross contamination
  • lack of hand hygiene
  • ineffective use of microbicides (spraying and wiping actually spreads contamination, placing dirty item in microbicide will contaminate the solution, not fully immersing the object for the proper contact time, not strong enough solution, etc.)
  • improper use of piercing guns or piercing devices
  • double dipping in solutions (during cosmetic treatments)
Remember PSS are those services during which you may be exposed to harmful infections, so it’s best to air on the cautious side and do your research, be aware of the risks, and keep a keen eye to ensure you don’t go home with more than a pierced ear, new tat, and polished nails.To contact a PHI about a possible infection control lapse: call the Public Health Information Line 613-580-6744 or visit read more..

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