Saturday 9 June 2012

Public Restroom-Disgusting Food-Bowels-Ibs

Putting this in a read more because some of you probably don’t want to hear about my bowels....

Putting this in a read more because some of you probably don’t want to hear about my bowels. It’s nothing bad or disgusting but some people are uncomfortable with like… knowing other people poop or something. I don’t know. It’s just about me having to worry about how my body is feeling before I go to work. Now that I have a job, I am back at having to make sure my digestive system is doing okay and that my bowels are empty before I leave. Having Ibs, I never know when my stomach is randomly going to act up or if it’ll just be time to go and I’ll have to use the public restroom. I don’t want to use a public restroom and I definitely don’t want to be having any problems when I’m working. I’ll probably be smelling disgusting food, too, so that might then make me want to puke or something. I don’t know. I just don’t want to have any problems. Better safe than sorry. Also, I feel nauseous a lot (another ibs symptom) so hopefully that doesn’t cause any problems in the work place. Because I don’t work somewhere very nice and it’s not nice smelling food either.Benefit of having ibs… I now live a healthy lifestyle. Downside… it never goes away so I have to deal with nausea and other things on a daily basis. Mehhhh. I’m going to go get ready for work (will get to my asks later) and when I come back on when I get home, I might post a photo or two. read more..

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