Monday 9 January 2012

Nutritional Value-Skin Concerns-Gorgeous Skin-Self Tanning-Breakouts

Think the sun’s warm UV rays ‘dry out’ your breakouts and the color it creates m...

Think the sun’s warm UV rays ‘dry out’ your breakouts and the color it creates makes your skin look gorgeous? Or do you love how your body looks more toned and cellulite disappears when you have a tan? Or do you just love what it does for your mood? Tell us your sun-loving tales and we may choose you to be featured in a SELF story. We’ll have experts in skin, self tanning, and fitness create a UV-free healthy, gorgeous skin program targeted for your specific skin concerns and tanning triggers. to be featured in a SELF story? read more..

Whoever coined the phrase 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts' might...

Whoever coined the phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" might as well have been talking about the nutritional potential of food...check out these food power pairs: Couples: Get the Most Nutritional Value from Your Foodow.lyGet more nutritional value by eating these power food couples read more..

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